Friday, August 16, 2013

In Medias Res...

If asked what my first console and game were, my knee-jerk answer would be a Super Nintendo and Donkey Kong Country, but, now that I think about it, my blue Game Boy Pocket and Kirby's Dreamland 2 may have come before that. Whichever it had been, it was all downhill from there.

My insatiable drive to play video games seems to only be outmatched by my need to buy and/or prospectively play video games (I have a similar problem with books, but I wont bore you with the details). In an era of widespread emulation, Steam sales, and me having disposable income (haha, not really, but I spend it anyway!) the games have piled up and my backlog has become a sort of  hydra: when I beat one game, it seems like two or more new ones pop up in its place.

Unfortunately, I am no Heracles and my backlog shall most likely outlive me as something even more monstrous than it is now. I still struggle with the angst and despair which stems from this existential crisis, but, nevertheless, I don't plan on stopping anytime soon (though the responsibility that comes along with a post-undergraduate life may have something to say about that).

The title for this post come from the popular literary term meaning "in the middle of things" in Latin. Similar to Homer, who began his Illiad years into the Trojan War, my story begins years into my struggle with my latest challenges being the three SNES Donkey Kong Countries.

Just to give any possible readers a heads up, I'd like to go over how I usually go about my video gaming. My war is usually fought on three fronts at a time: one game on a particular console, one game on PC, and one game on handheld. This may change if I just can't get wait to play a game and doesn't include any games I may be playing just to bide my time (e.g. The Binding of Isaac) or games based solely on their multiplayer (e.g. DotA 2).

As for my tastes, I usually like my game arcadey or, for lack of a better term, video gamey. My favorite genre would have to be platformers and my least favorite would have to be turn-based RPGs (except Pokemon. I fucking love Pokemon). Still, I play games in both those genres and everything in between them whether they're new or old, though I usually lean towards old.

I hope that's an adequate introduction for any readers. And, if you are reading this, thank you for your time. My next post will probably be a quick rundown of the aforementioned DKC games and Age of Mythology plus its expansion, which were my last two tussles (I'm way behind on my handheld games and have been slowly trudging through Advance Wars: Days of Ruin on my DS for what feels like, and may actually be, years.

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